U.S. SPIRITLEADERS 65 PIne Ave #127, Long Beach, CA 90802 | TEL: 562.889.7410 | EMAIL: USSL@USSpiritleaders.com
NAVIGATION (Scroll Down)
Music Guidelines
As with our Safety Rules and Guidelines, U.S. Spiritleaders has always tried to make our rules follow the guidelines of other cheerleading companies that have National Finals.
Based on this, we are asking all teams to comply with Music Guidelines listed for Varsity and USASF AllStar events.
Exception: Music Challenges - There will be no fee for a music challenge. It will take a minimum of two weeks for U.S. Spiritleaders to research the challenge and make a decision in the results of the competition.
Cheer/Dance Coach Certification
As of Summer 2021, the Varsity Brands is mandating that all school cheer/dance coaches must have clearance and background checks done by USA Cheer brand. U.S. Spiritleaders will not require this certificate, however you must be able to show proof of clearance from your district to be supervising your schools teams.