U.S. SPIRITLEADERS 65 PIne Ave #127, Long Beach, CA 90802 | TEL: 562.889.7410 | EMAIL: USSL@USSpiritleaders.com
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Dear U.S. Spiritleaders Coaches and Advisors:
Im Sure you are all concerned about the impact of the Coronavirus. This being the 39th year of doing Spiritleaders camps, this is not our first time dealing with this type of situation. At this point in time we are still planning on having our summer camps.
Camp I: July 20-22
Camp II: July 24-26
The last time we were faced with a similar situation was when we were holding camps at SOKA University. In addition to using dorms, over half of our students used bus transportation and stayed in hotels. It is from that experience that we have learned the procedures that hotels, school buses, and training facilities imple,emt to make sure that everything is cleaned and properly sanitized.
We are closely monitoring the guidance of the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control regarding the spread of the virus. The indication at this time is that by everyone following the guidelines set out by the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control, this virus will be under control by June . Our focus is to ensure we meet customer needs while doing our part to keep you, our staff, and our camps safe.
Our policy will be that we will give complete refund if you or your school feels it is unsafe to attend camp. In a worst case situation, we would love to offer you camp material remotely. As many colleges have moved to online classes, we will be offering an Instructional Video with all the material from camp taught to you. This will only happen in the event that we have to cancel our camps.
We would like to thank you all for your continued support at our camps and our competitions.
Due to schools email addresses blocking info@ email addresses, we have changed our email to make sure information is being received by our customers. Please feel free to email us at USSL@usspiritleaders.com if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank You
Rey Lozano